2016年10月24日 星期一


Queenie的依親移民(Family sponsorship)

- 第二步:資料準備 

申請過程中~最麻煩就是這一步,還要整理戀愛證據~要整理多少?照片要放多少? 要表格式?還是要敘述式? 寫太多移民官會不會覺得煩? 寫太少會不會被以為是假結婚??? 基本上只要是正常關,不是假結婚都不用太擔心^^





申請人為台灣公民所需準備之文件 (詳情請參考CIC網站 Country Specific Instructions check list那一張裡面也會有):

  1. ID文件&出生證明: 到醫院直接申請英文版出生證明 (省去一大筆公證翻譯費用),如果你的醫院已經不在,可以寫一封cover letter 說明以英文版戶籍謄本代替,或是到戶政事務所申請當初的出生證明影本再翻譯。
  2. 英文版結婚證書影本- 如果是配偶類依親,只在台灣登記就一定要去公證翻譯了,如果在海外登記結婚證書是英文版就影印即可。
  3. 英文版戶籍謄本"正本" (*戶政事務所申請英文版他們就知道了)-只要有申請人本人+父母即可 ,可以不用申請一整戶,如果跟另一半有在台灣登記,那一部分也要加進去。
  4. 英文版良民證 - 核發日起三個月內有效;請參考台灣警政署網站。 如果您有再其他國家待滿"六個月"請記得連該國家的良民證都要申請!!!!!
  5. 如果有小孩,需提供小孩資料
  6. 護照照片頁影印;如果申請時申請人不在自己國家,記得將所在地的簽證蓋章頁一併影印
  7. 擔保人與身請人戀愛關係證據 (*我自己整理成一份附件在回答戀愛關係時有備註附件幾)
  8. 依親體檢收據 -請到有與加拿大政府合作之體檢醫院: 中山醫院(台北)、台安醫院(台北)、中國醫藥學院附設醫院(台中)、高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院(高雄))-強烈建議在台灣先體檢~價格差很多(台灣NT$4500,加拿大CAD$295)
  9. 申請人照片2張:背景白色、露全臉、頭頂到下巴距離25-30mm、照片大小35-45mm (強烈建議在台灣先拍好,價格便宜很多-台灣一兩百很多張,加拿大CAD$12-15元兩張)台灣很多相館不太清楚加拿大的照片規格,可以把IMM3907guide裡面的規格帶去給相館的照相師看

 必填表格 (為我有使用到的表格)



申請人 Applicant

  • Generic Apptlication Form for Canada [IMM 0008]
  • Additional Dependants/Declaration [IMM 0008DEP] (有小孩時才要用)
  • Schedule A – Background/Declaration [IMM 5669]
  • Additional Family Information [IMM 5406]
  • Sponsored Spouse/Partner Questionnaire [IMM 5490]
  • Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] (請代辦時才要用的)
 IMM 0008 必須先download 並用最新版的Adobe Reader才能開
 *IMM 5490 填寫時,就可以把戀愛證據備註。我是把證據分成不同階段用不同的subtital區分並標號,讓移民官看起來方便一點。 這是自以為貼心的作業方式XD 
*所有的表格CIC有可能隨時更新,在您要寄出申請文件之前,一定要上CIC確認您的表格是最新版的!! 不然會被退件!!!

8 則留言:

  1. 網誌管理員已經移除這則留言。

    1. 當您收到訊息後,再麻煩您幫忙刪除此留言喔,感恩

  2. 嗨 謝謝您詳細得敘述,不知道您在看imm008時,有沒有曾經遇過升級adobe後還是沒辦法觀看內容的狀況

  3. 哈囉 謝謝您的分享~想請問您如果沒有小孩,出生證明/良明證和體檢的部分是只要自己或是連父母也要呢?

  4. hihi 請問我還在努力寫表格 還沒遞出申請 這樣可以先去體檢嗎?謝謝

  5. 你好版主我收到了不好的消息 我想詢問一下你可以幫忙解讀一下我要提供甚麼資料回去給移民官嗎?
    This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. I have now completed my assessment of your application and I have concerns that you do not meet the requirements for immigration to Canada as a member of the family class.
    Subsection 12(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that a foreign national may be selected as a member of the family class on the basis of their relationship as the spouse, common-law partner, child, parent or other prescribed family member of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
    Section 120 of the regulations states that for the purposes of Part 5 of the regulations,
    (a) a permanent resident visa shall not be issued to a foreign national who makes an application as a member of the family class or to their accompanying family members unless a sponsorship undertaking in respect of the foreign national and those family
    members is in effect, and (b) a foreign national who makes an application as a member of the family class and their accompanying family members shall not become permanent residents unless a
    sponsorship undertaking in respect of the foreign national and those family members is in effect and the sponsor who gave that undertaking still meets the requirements of section 133 and, if applicable, section 137.
    Subsection 133(1)(a) of the regulations states (in part) that a sponsorship application shall only
    be approved by an officer if, on the day on which the application was filed and from that day until the day a decision is made with respect to the application, there is evidence that the
    sponsor is a sponsor as described in section 130.
    Subsection 130(2) of the Immigration Regulations states that, a sponsor who is a Canadian citizen and does not reside in Canada may sponsor a foreign national who makes an application referred to in subsection (1) and is the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child who has no dependent children, if the sponsor will reside in Canada when the foreign national becomes a permanent resident.
    I have reviewed all documentation and information submitted in support of your immigration application. I have concerns that you are unable to submit reliable evidence to support the plan provided by you and your sponsor concerning his/her intention to re-establish himself/herself in Canada once you are issued an immigrant visa. I have concerns that you are unable to submit reliable evidence to demonstrate that your sponsor has made efforts or is in the process of a)severing his/her ties to his/her current place of normal residence and b) re-establishing his/her permanent residency in Canada. I, therefore, have concerns that your sponsor does not meet
    the requirements of a sponsor under subsection 130(2) of the Immigration Regulations.
    Consequently, I have concerns that you do not meet the requirements of a member of the family
    class under subsection 12(1) of the Immigration Act.
    I would like to give you an opportunity to respond to this information.


  6. 請問人在加拿大也可以用境外嗎?

  7. Unknown2018年1月11日 上午6:38, 可以請問你的狀況為何? 人不在加拿大嗎?
